

a part of the Is on my spiritual journey...

Sunday, October 24, 2004


Feelings within - entangled as ropes
Caught within - too little space.
Creating within - a being
Is that me? All of it?

Take one away - gently unwrapped
Place it away - seeing its texture
Look then away - and question
Was that me? Any of it?

Tough to know - my own self
Easier to know - symbols on paper
When I know - though a reflection
It's no longer me. Not unless I wish it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

do about... love?

What do you
Do about love?

Well, what do you
Do about life?


Observation is important.
Not to deduce.
Or make theories.
But to be with
The Observer.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Love is what is left
When all other
Emotions, feelings, entities
Are wiped away.

That is why its
So hard to
Chase it away

It never arrived
It was always there

Sunday, October 10, 2004


You could beg
For joy, peace
And wisdom.
Or choose
To be these.

Yet know that
Choosers cannot
Be beggars.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


There are times
When everything
Seems to be
Just right

Use these to remember
That the rightness
Of the universe
At all times
In all aspects
Is unquestionable

Monday, October 04, 2004


You were not created
To achieve any ends
Nor reach any goals

If God had a goal...
What would He do?
Create You, and hope...
Or just create the goal?

Thus... You, are the goal.
You.. have been achieved.
Joyful is the one
Who realizes this.